I am very pleased to announce that the AJL 2017 Annual Conference will be
in New York City. The dates are Monday to Wednesday, June 19 to 21. We have
a wonderful local committee, and I know that they will produce an
outstanding conference.

We are making two major changes for this conference. You may recall an
email that I sent out last year asking for members likely to attend future
conferences whether they would prefer to stay with Sunday as a starting
day, or switch to Monday or Tuesday. With the exception of a couple of
members, everyone favored starting on a weekday. 2017 is the first year
that we can institute this significant change.

You may know that when one brings any caterer into a hotel, the hotel
charges a steep fee for each meal, on top of the caterer's charges. This
costs our members a huge amount of money. There was no way that we would
have been able to keep registration fees down and still be able to afford
to hold a conference in a major city such as New York. In 2017 we will not
hold our sessions and meals in a hotel. They will be in the building of
Hebrew Union College  (1 West Fourth St.). As we have done in the past, we
will bring in a caterer under full rabbinical supervision.

We are currently about to seek out a hotel close to HUC for those needing a
hotel room, and to negotiate a group rate.  Because so many members live in
the New York City area, or have friends and relatives in the area, it is
hard to estimate how many people will need rooms. I would very much
appreciate hearing from you if you expect to attend and stay in a hotel,
whether you are from out of town or local. This information will be
valuable in negotiating the best possible room rate and to make sure that
enough rooms are reserved.

Jim Rosenbloom
National Conference Chair

James P Rosenbloom
Judaica Librarian
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