I have to  send this link with a bit of nachas in my soul as Im one of the 
featured artists, but its a great resource:
R. Rayzel


Internet Kavannah 5774

     As I grow my abilities to keep up with email, facebook, instagram, twitter 
and the myriad of other ways to stay connected, Help me remember it is through 
the heart that all true bonds form. Oh, Great Creator, as we manifest new 
realities with our fingertips and computer screens, guide me to do it with love 
and remember to unplug occasionally. Grant serenity to those who do not hear 
back from me within a day or two.  Bless all with love,  light and discernment 
to hit delete when necessary. Amen

 Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved 
body,saying who let the morning people run things?, but rather to skid in 
sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy Shechinah...what a ride"............
 May angelic beings guide your way today.

Rabbi G. Rayzel Raphael
http://www.shechinah.com <http://www.shechinah.com/>

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