And of course, the Sydney Taylor Book Award winning authors will be there
discussing their books, and the Syndey Taylor Book Award Committee will be
talking about the many books they received last year.

Kathy Bloomfield

On Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 2:23 PM, Michelle Chesner <> wrote:

> Dear Safranim,
> It has come to my attention that there are SSC members who were
> disappointed by the perceived lack of SSC sessions at the upcoming AJL
> conference in New York.  I would like to correct this misconception,
> especially since members of the SSC worked particularly hard to provide
> exceptional programming for this group (including Kathy Bloomfield, Susan
> Kusel, and Heidi Rabinowitz and others).  Exactly half of the sessions (all
> listed in slots C and D in the program) are geared toward SSC.
> I know that the detailed conference information has not been made public
> yet, and so I will cite some specific examples below:
>    - More Than Just One Person’s Opinion: What Makes Good Book Criticism?
>    (This session, organized by Elissa Gershowitz, includes interviews with
>    Marjorie Ingall and Arthur Levine of Arthur A. Levine books)
>    - Inspire new books: how librarians can make a difference - this
>    includes discussions with Jewish book authors about recent publications
>    (Tammar Stein, Anne Dublin, Jacqueline Jules, Barbara Bietz and Allison &
>    Wayne Marks)
>    - Accreditation and Advocacy (60 minutes with Rachail Kurtz on how to
>    achieve AJL accreditation, followed by Kathy Bloomfield on "Advocating for
>    your Library: What your Board Wants to Know"
>    - Beth Braunstein will be giving a 60 minute session on "Jewish Values
>    in Secular Literature."
>    - The Holocaust Education session is SSC minded: it includes
>    discussion of certification of Holocaust educators with Susan Dubin,
>    building communities around Holocaust study; and a focus on Holocaust
>    children's literature
>    - Collaboration in building public (i.e. synagogue, center) Jewish
>    libraries collections (including the Vilnius Jewish Public Library, which
>    is equivalent to a Center library)
>    - Lisa Silverman and Debbie Feder will speak about their new
>    respective community and school libraries, and what went into building them
>    - An incredible digital session focuses on digital tools in school
>    libraries; education technology, and digital communites - all very much SSC
>    related.
> And we will have a VERY special guest speaker at the first meal,
> presenting her upcoming graphic novel of her life story (geared toward
> teens, but of definite interest to synagogue and center librarians as well
> as schools).  Details are still being finalized on that one, so I can't say
> more yet!
> I'm sure I left some items out, so I'll ask the programming committee
> (especially SSC members) to please chime in - but this is definitely a
> conference NOT TO BE MISSED.
> My best,
> Michelle
> Michelle Chesner
> Chair, Programming
> AJL NYC '17
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Kathleen M. Bloomfield
kids books that matter.

"The fact of knowing how to read is nothing,
the whole point is knowing what to read."
                                        - Jacques Ellul
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