Dear Hasafranim,
I just came along a grey area that makes me want to rethink a few things about 
classifying YA historical fiction, specifically biographical fiction. Someone 
donated this older book, Bar Kochba, by Amram Whiteman. I have very little on 
the period for kids, so I thought why not. 
For very young kids, it seems acceptable to place some historical fiction in 
with the history or biography it covers. Same with bible stories. For adults, 
of course, I wouldn't consider such a thing, but what about for tweens and YA? 
Should I place this fictional account of Bar Kochba with fiction or with the 
history of the period, with a classification identifying it as fiction so that 
it's in the same area? 
I'm also beginning to wonder about fictional accounts of biblical figures such 
as David or Amos. Right now they're in bible stories, but for older kids, 
should they perhaps be in fiction instead? Is this a grey area for others, or 
is there a standard practice where teen literature is concerned. 
Rachel HausLibrary DirectorCongregation of Moses Fisher LibraryKalamazoo MI
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