Yishar Koach to you and the whole gang!


From: Hasafran <hasafran-boun...@lists.osu.edu> on behalf of Rachel Leket-Mor 
Sent: Tuesday, January 2, 2018 2:16:06 PM
To: Hasafran Listserv
Subject: [ha-Safran] Judaica Librarianship 20 (2017)!

Dear colleagues,

Happy New Year! I am pleased to announce that volume 20 of Judaica 
Librarianship is out! The 2017 issue (published December 31) incudes research 
and essay articles, reviews, and two columns, one of them is our new JS/DH 
(Jewish Studies/ Digital Humanities) column by Michelle Chesner. For more 
information, please see the Table of Content below and my Editor’s Note 
(attached, also available on the journal’s site).

The expanded editorial section is dedicated to three remarkable AJL members who 
have been involved in AJL’s scholarly journal for decades. Pearl Berger and 
Barry Walfish both retired from their day jobs and JL’s editorial board; their 
contributions to our profession and academic journal are celebrated in this 
section. Zachary Baker retired from Stanford University Libraries after decades 
of outstanding career, including heavy involvement in JL and, of course, 
editing the journal from 2005 to 2012. During his editorship, he changed the 
format of the journal and published five issues (Vols. 12–16/17), all available 
in digital format on the JL site. Arthur Kiron’s tribute to this “exemplary 
citizen of the profession of Judaica librarianship” is followed with Zachary’s 
published works, an enhanced version (so I hope, I did my best!) of his 
unpublished CV.

I would like to warmly welcome our two new editorial board members, Drs. 
Rebecca Jefferson, Head of Price Library of Judaica, Univer­sity of Florida 
Libraries and Rachel Heuberger, Judaica Division, University Library Frankfurt 
am Main (Germany). From the bottom of my heart I thank our excellent, 
thoughtful volunteer copyeditors Nancy Sack and Judy Woltfhal who helped me to 
bring this issue to fruition. A big thank-you to JL editorial board member 
Arthur Kiron, who helped me plotting the special editorial section, and to 
Heidi Lerner who was our accomplice. Lastly, I thank my family who both 
supported and missed me during the many, many hours I was “jl-ing,” 
particularly during the last few weeks. On behalf of JL’s editorial board, 
congratulations to all authors!

Happy reading,


Rachel Leket-Mor, MA, MLIS

Associate Librarian

Curator, Open Stack Collections

IsraPulp Collection

Arizona State University Library

Phone: 480-965-2618<tel:(480)%20965-2618>

Editor-in-Chief, Judaica Librarianship

Association of Jewish Libraries


The new issue is now available at 
 If you are a paid member of AJL (membership renewal emails were sent in the 
fall), you should have access to all current content of the journal. Access is 
enabled by creating a personal account on that site; please contact me if you 
forgot your login email or can’t log in for some other reason. Feel free to 
promote the new issue on social media! You can do it by “sharing” links from 
the article-level pages on the site. Please do not share the PDF files 
themselves, they will become open access in 12 months. The reason for this 
request is simple: while the work on the journal is voluntary, the pricy online 
hosting is paid for with AJL member-supported funds. We appreciate your support 
of AJL’s scholarly journal.

Judaica Librarianship 20 (2017)


1.      Leket-Mor, Rachel. 2017. “Vol. 20 Editor’s Note.” Judaica Librarianship 
20: 1–4. doi:10.14263/2330-2976.1285<https://doi.org/10.14263/2330-2976.1285>.

2.      Kiron, Arthur. “Tribute to Zachary Baker, Editor of Judaica 
Librarianship (2005–2012), on the Occasion of His Retirement.” Judaica 
Librarianship 20: 5–13. 

3.      Baker, Zachary M. “Pearl Berger: The Consummate Librarian, Mentor, 
Colleague, and Friend.” Judaica Librarianship 20: 14–15. 

4.      Lubetski, Edith. “ ‘And Let Her Works Praise Her in the Gates’: A 
Tribute to Pearl Berger.” Judaica Librarianship 20: 16–18. 

5.      Leket-Mor, Rachel. “Barry Dov Walfish, the 
Cataloger-Bibliographer-Scholar Librarian.” Judaica Librarianship 20: 19–20. 

Essay and Research

6.      Jefferson, Rebecca J. “Dangerous Liaisons in Cairo: Reginald Q. 
Henriques and the Taylor-Schechter Genizah Manuscript Collection.” Judaica 
Librarianship 20: 21–51. 

7.      Misrati, Rachel. “A Jewish National Collection for a Jewish National 
Library: The Abraham Schwadron Collection, Past and Present.” Judaica 
Librarianship 20: 52–79. 

8.      Brener, Ann. “The Odessa Years: Shoshana Persitz and the Gamliel 
Library of Omanut Press (1918–1920).” Judaica Librarianship 20: 80–99. 

9.      Berger, Shulamith. “Moyshe Levin (Ber Sarin) of Yung-Vilne and His Solo 
Publishing Venture for Children.” Judaica Librarianship 20: 100–133. 

10.   Lerner, Heidi G. “Hebraica Catalogers and Cataloging Roles in North 
America: Today and Tomorrow.” Judaica Librarianship 20: 134–158. 

11.   Bali, Rifat. “Istanbul’s Jewish Bookstores: Monuments to a Bygone Era.” 
Judaica Librarianship 20: 159–179. 

12.   Zalmona, Yigal. “ ‘A Library is not a Museum’?.” Judaica Librarianship 
20: 180–183. 


13.   Kiron, Arthur. “Campbell, Heidi A. (ed.) Digital Judaism: Jewish 
Negotiations with Digital Media and Culture. Routledge Studies in Religion and 
Digital Culture 2. New York and London: Routledge, 2015. vi, 213 p., $148. 
ISBN: 9780415736244.” Judaica Librarianship 20: 187–193. 

14.   Walfish, Barry D. “Mintz, Sharon Liberman, Shaul Seidler-Feller, David 
Wachtel, eds. The Writing on the Wall: A Catalogue of Judaica Broadsides from 
the Valmadonna Trust Library. London; New York: Valmadonna Trust Library, 2015. 
320 p., $75.00. ISBN: 9780692453032.” Judaica Librarianship 20: 184–188. 


15.   Chesner, Michelle. “JS/DH: An Introduction to Jewish Studies/ Digital 
Humanities Resources.” Judaica Librarianship 20: 194–196. 

16.   Gottschalk, Haim. 2017. “Scatter of the Literature, June 2016–December 
2017.” Judaica Librarianship 20: 197–211. 
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