Dear AJL Colleagues,

I would like to remind you that members are eligible for stipends to assist 
them with covering conference expenses.  Stipends are based on financial need, 
weighted towards applicants with involvement in AJL. Current membership and 
full conference registration are required.  Those registering for the student 
rate may also apply.  This year's stipends are supported by the Judy R. Cohn 
Conference Stipends Fund, EBSCO, and the Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe.

Additional information and the online application form may be found at:

Please note that application deadline was March 29, 2018.  If you still intend 
to submit an application, please do so right away. Many thanks to those of you 
who have applied. Review of the applications will begin soon, and I'll be in 
touch with any questions.

If you have any questions, please contact me at<>.

Wishing all חג פסח שמח וכשר

Looking forward to seeing you in Boston!

Lenore Bell, AJL Stipends Committee

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