It's a wonderful idea. I would suggest that written messages be sent on
postcards. Something I learned from a previous outreach campaign (it was a
"thank you" campaign in that instance) is that letters in envelopes
should/must be screened (sadly). Using postcards simplifies that process;
it's also less costly.

Best, healing wishes to all,
Erika Dreifus

On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 11:01 AM Shirazi, Gail via Hasafran <> wrote:

> Dear Safranim,
> Wanted to share this letter with you from my dear friend and amazing
> educator from Pittsburgh,  Dr. Tsipy Gur.  Among other things, she is
> encouraging teachers to have their student write to Tree of Life synagogue.
> As she states below : Have  students ” write to Tree of Life and reach
> out to the Jewish community to express their condolences and solidarity.
> This exercise can be part of the educational experience – to teach our
> students that they have the responsibility not to remain as bystanders, and
> they have the ability to make a difference. “
> Gail
> *From:* Zipora Gur <>
> *Sent:* Sunday, October 28, 2018 4:51 PM
> *To:* Shirazi, Gail <>
> *Subject:* An open letter in response to the synagogue shooting in
> Pittsburgh.
> Dear Classrooms Without Borders' (CWB) Educators and Friends:
> We ache for the families and friends of:
> Joyce Feinberg, Rich Gotfried, Rose Malinger, Jerry Rabinowitz, Cecil
> Rosenthal, David Rosenthal, Bernice Simon, Sylvan Simon, Daniel Stein,
> Melvin Wax, and Irving Youngner.
> Eleven people gunned down in a house of worship simply because of their
> faith.
> We ache for the wounded, the people who witnessed this massacre and all of
> those present (and not) whose lives have been changed in an instant because
> of this senseless act of hate.
> Almost immediately after the shooting our extended CWB family began
> reaching out to show their support, offer help, and simply send their love.
> We heard from hundreds of educators, students, scholars, supporters and
> colleagues from all over the United States, Poland, Spain, Greece, Germany
> and Israel.   Their messages were all similar, echoing our heartache and
> the feeling that we have all been attacked. Our sense of security and hope
> for the future has been rattled or dimmed.
> When our teachers asked what they can do to help our answer was
> simple. They should continue to teach students to fight bigotry and hate.
> They should continue to pave a pathway for peace.
> At CWB we know that educators are our hope for a better future. As
> teachers and educators we have a responsibility to ensure that our students
> and our peers learn from the tragedies we have endured. We teach that the
> Holocaust is not only Jewish history it is *Human History*. We teach that
> bigotry and discrimination against any minority is bigotry and hate against
> *all* minorities. We connect people to cultures and history, so they may
> not only learn but also become personally invested in respecting and
> protecting humanity.
> Educators: As part of the classroom discussions and lessons that will
> occur tomorrow, please encourage your students to write to Tree of Life and
> reach out to the Jewish community to express their condolences and
> solidarity.  This exercise can be part of the educational experience – to
> teach our students that they have the responsibility not to remain as
> bystanders, and they have the ability to make a difference.
> Through the darkness that has spread over us in the past twenty-four hours
> some rays of light have emerged. People of all walks of life in
> Pittsburgh are gathering in solidarity with the victims, their families and
> the Jewish community. Yesterday, Mayor Peduto voiced our sentiments when he
> said, “Pittsburgh is a small city where people know each other and each
> other’s families. When someone is hurt here, everyone is hurt.” Now, the
> day after the tragedy we realize that many communities, even beyond
> Pittsburgh, are standing with us in solidarity. We hope they will use the
> lessons of our tragedy to prevent future hate crimes and senseless loss of
> life.  In the words of Mayor Peduto this morning: "Let this horrific
> episode be another mark in the march of humanity towards recognizing that
> we are all one."
> In the memory of the eleven community members we lost yesterday, and the
> countless victims of hate, we will continue empowering our educators and
> students to fight bigotry and discrimination. We will continue paving the
> pathway to peace.
> With gratitude for your support and dedication to our shared mission-
> Dr. Zipora Gur and the Classrooms Without Borders' leadership and staff
> __
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*Erika Dreifus* | Writer. Poet. Publicist. Resource Maven.
Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
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