Happy retirement, Elliot! I'm glad to hear that you'll still be active in
AJL and ALA.


On Mon, Dec 3, 2018 at 2:25 PM Beth Snyder via Hasafran <
hasafran@lists.osu.edu> wrote:

> At the end of this calendar year, Elliot H. Gertel will retire from his
> endowed position as the Irving M. Hermelin Curator of Judaica, culminating
> nearly 20 years of dedicated service to the University of Michigan
> Library.  Elliot has worked for the Library as the Curator of Judaica and
> liaison to the Jean and Samuel Frankel Center for Judaic Studies, initially
> as part of the library’s Near East Division in the Area Programs unit and
> later, on the International Studies team.
> During his time at the University of Michigan, Elliot has worked
> tirelessly to build the Judaica collections and to support faculty,
> student, community, and external user research.  Since 2014, Elliot has
> also served as curator of the Jewish Heritage Collection in the Special
> Collections Research Center. Under his stewardship, the Judaica Collections
> have grown to well over 150,000 titles, with strengths in Modern Hebrew
> literature, Jewish history, history of Israel, Judaism, Hebrew Bible,
> Holocaust studies, and Yiddish studies.  Among Elliot’s noteworthy
> additions to the collections are the extensive Alterman Collection of
> Passover Haggadahs, a number of art books by or about the celebrated
> Polish-born Jewish American artist Arthur Szyk, a collection of Sephardi
> Biblical commentaries, and numerous rare and antiquarian volumes in Hebrew,
> Yiddish, Ladino, and Western languages, along with art books and portfolios
> and artifacts.
> Elliot’s curatorial expertise has been in evidence in many of the
> exhibitions in the Library and those the Frankel Center has featured,
> including recent exhibitions on Haggadahs and pushkes (charity boxes) in
> the latter location.  In 2017, in conjunction with the bicentennial
> celebration of the University, he curated a major exhibition in the exhibit
> space of the Special Collections Library entitled "Striving to Stimulate
> Serious Thought: Jewish Scholarly and Cultural Life at Michigan Across Two
> Centuries."
> Elliot has made lasting contributions to Jewish studies and the community
> through research, presentations, and to the profession through multiple
> roles in service to the Association of Jewish Libraries, the Jewish
> information Committee of the ALA Ethnic and Multicultural Information
> Exchange Round Table (EMIERT) of which he has been a longtime chair, and
> the ALA RUSA Sophie Brody Medal Committee.  He has served in numerous
> capacities in AJL including as president of the Research Libraries,
> Archives, and Special Collections (RAS) Division and for a number of years
> as AJL's liaison to ALA. In 1994, he devised a series of joint AJL/ALA
> programs, many of these--twelve so far at AJL and ALA conferences--which he
> coordinated and chaired.
> Elliot’s passion for and expertise in Yiddish have enriched the University
> of Michigan. He facilitates a weekly Yiddish conversational group and has
> taught Yiddish at the University of Michigan, Florida Atlantic University,
> and the University of Kentucky. Jeffrey Veidlinger, Director of the
> Frankel Center for Judaic Studies, notes especially that “Elliot has also
> been an important member of the Yiddish community here at Michigan,
> contributing to our global reputation as a leading center of Yiddish
> studies.”
> While he will be retiring from UM, Elliot plans to continue to be active
> in AJL and ALA and attend their meetings and conferences.
> Elliot’s last day of work will be December 21st.  Please join his
> colleagues in wishing him a happy retirement.
> --
> Beth Snyder
> Head, International Studies Technical Services
> Assistant Head, International Studies
> The University of Michigan Library
> __
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Annette Goldsmith, PhD
Co-Editor (with Theo Heras & Susan Corapi), *Reading the World's Stories:
An annotated bibliography of international youth literature* (Rowman &
Littlefield, 2016)
Librarian, Sephardic Temple Tifereth Israel, Los Angeles, CA
Currently reading: *​Step up to the Plate, Maria Singh *by ​Uma Krishnaswami
 (Tu Books/Lee & Low Books, 2017)

 "A book is like a world you can carry around with you." Liniers,
*Written and Drawn by Henrietta*  (TOON Books, 2015)
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