Dear AJL upcoming conference attendees,

B’H at the upcoming AJL conference in LA we are trying to coordinate
Orthodox minyanim. There are 2 orthodox minyanim 1-1/3 miles from the
venue, which isn't quite walking distance, so we hope to coordinate
minyanim possibly (bili neder)  in the hotel . For those interested in
davening at the hotel please be in communication with me offline, so that
we know how many siddurim to bring, if we need to reserve a room in the
hotel for shaharit,  and if we will need to borrow a sefer torah for Monday
Shaharit layning of the weekly parashat Beha’alotcha.

Hag same'ah ve-kasher,

David B Levy

As a librarian often compelled to recommend a good book that might
illuminate the weekly parasha, Beha’alotcha for the week of the AJL LA
conference, which addresses the menorah, see:

 David Levy <>

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