
We are affiliates of AIC, and if someone wanted to present a paper on
conservation, I'd be happy to swap  my affiliate registration spot with you.

Kol tuv,


Dear Mrs. Jackie Benefraim,

The American Institute for Conservation’s 48th Annual Meeting will be held
in Salt Lake City, UT, May 19-23, 2020. Pre-sessions will take place on May
19 and 20, and will consist of workshops, seminars, and study tours. The
main conference on May 21-23 will feature general and specialty sessions
focused on the following theme:

“*Conservation - Reactive and Proactive”*

We work in a rapidly changing world. Globally, the economy is volatile, the
marketplace demanding, and the negative impact of climate change looms
large in conservation. Many collecting institutions have shifted their
priorities to preventive conservation for collections and interactive
learning in exhibitions, which can decrease emphasis on traditional
conservation treatment and the supremacy of original display materials.
Conservation professionals are drawing from a wide skill set to respond to
these challenges in creative and productive ways. From offering
conservation services that go beyond treatment, to focusing on
sustainability, to utilizing materials science and technical art history in
public education, our field is adapting and evolving. In 2020, we’ll
explore ways we can anticipate and embrace change. How are you meeting your
biggest challenges? Please join us to share your triumphs and reflect on
areas for growth.

*Call for Concurrent General Session Topics and Session Organizers – Act by
July 2nd!*
Do you have an idea – related to *Conservation: Reactive and Proactive *– that
would make a great concurrent general session, and are you willing to serve
as the session’s chair? Do you have an idea for a half-day or full-day
pre-session seminar? If so, please contact AIC Vice-President and General
Session Program Chair Suzanne Davis at <>.
Include a proposed title, length and format (for pre-sessions), and a brief
description of the topics to be covered. Multi-disciplinary topics are
encouraged. Those proposing a sub-topic for a concurrent general session
must be willing to serve on the General Session Program Committee. Please
email your ideas to Suzanne Davis by *July 2, 2019.*

*2020 Call for Presentations for Main Conference*
AIC is seeking abstracts for four separate Calls for Presentations for the
2020 annual meeting. All abstracts should be no more than 500 words with a
separate 300-word biography. The four calls include:

*Opening General Session* – for 2020 we are seeking short, idea-focused
talks that address the concept of *Navigating Change. *Following a format
begun in 2019, these 12-minute talks should include only a few slides in a
style similar to TED talks. We hope to feature talks from a diversity of
voices and perspectives, addressing big-picture issues in conservation and
collections care. Please note that submitting an idea-focused talk to the
opening session does not preclude submission of a separate abstract to the
concurrent general sessions or to the specialty group sessions.

*Concurrent General Session, Specialty Session, and Poster Session *–
*Abstracts *submitted to the main conference for *concurrent* or
sessions *should conform to AIC's standard arrangement of no more than 2
speakers presenting in a 30-minute time slot. If you would like your
abstract to be considered for a poster presentation, *you must select
“poster” as one of your choices in the abstract form*. Unless you are
submitting a topic only for consideration as a poster, please select poster
as your third choice. For abstracts submitted only to the poster session,
please select “poster” for all choices. The review of poster abstracts
follows the review of talk abstracts.

*Workshops *– Workshops can be a half day, full day, or two days long and
may take place in a conference center meeting room or in a lab/facility at
a cultural institution in Salt Lake City. Preference will be given to
proposals that have clear learning outcomes for conservation professionals
and that involve discussions, demonstrations, and practical interactions
appropriate to achieve those goals.

*Pre-meeting or Lunch-time Sessions *– AIC also considers topics for a
half-day pre-meeting session or for 60- to 90-minute panel presentations
that don’t really fit in the other categories for pre-sessions or lunchtime

All abstracts are due by 11:59 pm on Monday, September 16, 2019. Please
check the call for submissions webpage regularly for updated information.
The abstract submission portal will be open in late July.

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Jackie Ben-Efraim

*"Although the books had changed, I the reader had not." **Micha Yosef
Berdichevsky 1865-1921*

Special Collections Librarian
Ostrow Library
American Jewish University
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