
You may want to attend these FREE webinars in order to prepare and prevent
catastrophic library fires and how to quickly process your archives. Please
excuse any cross posting.

Enjoy the rest of your summer,


Connecting to Collections Care is offering two free webinars in late August
–early September. Join us for either one or both.

Don’t Fan the Flames: Understanding fire and what to do about it:
Wednesday, August 21, 2019, 2:00 – 3:30 EDT.

Every year there are major news stories about fires in cultural heritage
institutions or the wildfires threatening them. With the recent incident at
Notre Dame fresh in our minds, join Donia Conn to learn about the nature of
fire, what can do at your institution to prevent fire, and how to mitigate
the impact of a fire. She will cover the chemistry and mechanics of fire,
how it spreads, and how a fire department works when they are on site to
fight a fire. With this knowledge, participants will gain insight into how
their building layout, storage areas, and landscaping affect fire
vulnerability. The webinar will enable you to have a more knowledgeable
conversation with your local fire department as you build a good working
relationship and improve their preparedness to fight a fire at your
institution. We will go over how to assess your institution for fire safety
and how to create a checklist of problems to correct in order to be as fire
ready as possible.

Archival Processing – Principles and Practical Strategies:Thursday,
September 5, 2019, 2:00 – 3:30 EDT.

Archival processing is a crucial element of collections care and
stewardship. Processing is how we know what we have in our collections, how
we ensure our collections’ ongoing preservation and security, and how we
make our collections available to the public. But how much processing is
enough? Does every document require its own housing and description or can
we arrange and describe materials in aggregates? How do we determine what’s
necessary? How quickly can I make a new collection available to
researchers? Can it be minimally processed and safely made available in the
reading room? How can I easily make collection descriptions available
online and what is the minimal amount of information necessary for them to
be useful? This webinar will discuss the basic principles of archival
arrangement and description, including imposing basic physical and
intellectual control over new acquisitions, minimal processing standards,
descriptive standards and practices, and practical strategies for managing
a processing program with limited staff and resources. Our goal will be to
help you identify practical solutions for overcoming barriers to processing
in your home institution.

The *Connecting to Collections Care Online Community *
smaller cultural institutions to provide well-informed care for their
valuable collections. All content in the C2C Care Community, with the
exception of special courses,is provided for *FREE*. This service is a
program of the Foundation for Advancement in Conservation and is made
possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Jackie Ben-Efraim

*"Although the books had changed, I the reader had not." **Micha Yosef
Berdichevsky 1865-1921*

Special Collections Librarian
Ostrow Library
American Jewish University
15600 Mulholland Drive
Bel Air, CA 90077
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