[Hi Yossi, Please use only this version as our posted reply to Mike Kahn's

Hi Safranim,

We've sent an Email reply to Mike, and we are sharing this very slightly
edited version of it (we've edited out a couple of minor typos).
There are several other points that should be noted here.  Mahathir
Mohamad, the Malaysian prime minister that Bollinger's Columbia University
has invited as an honored guest speaker, is so virulently anti-Semitic that
he makes the likes of Louis Farrakhan and David Duke look like moderates.
He refers to us Jews as "hook-nosed."  He calls us  " ... cowards, who rule
the world by proxies."  He has said that he has some Jewish friends, but
the only reason they are so, is because: " ... they don't act Jewish."
Mahathir Mohamad hates us with a passion.  If anything, the Email we sent
to Bollinger was too tempered in its tone.

We think too, that Mike may have underestimated the important place our
profession has in academia. University presidents really start worrying
when we send our protest notes to them.  Bollinger has not written back to
us, and we doubt that he will.  But we have ruffled his feathers a bit, and
quite frankly, that's what we wanted to do.

We don't mean to be pests, but this is a good chance to reiterate our
invitation.  If you are pro-Israel without equivication, please consider
joining Librarians for Fairness.  Email librariansforfairn...@gmail.com
And whether you want to join our organization or not, please always feel
free to send us your comments, kudos, and criticisms.

We certainly do have our share of enemies. For example, the Electronic
Intifada website has reffered to us as: "Slutty Librarians for Fairness."
We don't think we are slutty :-)

Hi Mike,
    As we see things, this is no time whatsoever to be conciliatory.
Israel's enemies consider concliatory gestures as weaknesses to be
exploited.  Bollinger deserved that sharp rebuke. One of the reasons that
Columbia poses a toxic environment for Jewish and pro-Israel students and
staff is because Bollinger is at its helm.
    With regard to your question, I can assure you that Librarians for
Fairness gets some great results, particularly in academia.  We just
recently received a personal letter from the president of a different
university, who told us what steps he would be taking to make his campus
safer for Jewish and pro-Israel students and faculty members.  Our Email to
him had a very definite impact.
                                     Leon Andy, M.A., M.L.S.
                                      Coordinator, Librarians for Fairness

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