Kol Hakavod to AJL new editor Sally Stieglitz for the AJL News and Reviews  
Nov./Dec. issue.  In addition to the Reviews Sally interviewed Lia Ronnen, 
editor and  publisher of the Israeli cookbooks (I think that Shuk is her 
recent).  You can read A tribute to Mordicai  Gerstein by Etta Gold with a link 
to the New York Times Tribute and, especially  the front page article by Heidi 
Rabinowitz on the Face-Book group JEWISH KIDLIT MAVINS.  Don’t miss  Ellen 
Share’s explanation on Pintrest Social Media Website. I believe that Ellen’s 
article was developed after her presentation on it at the last conference.
If you are new to AJL go to the website, click Publications (on the top) and go 
to the down arrow Digital publications. It goes without saying that you will 
need to  log-on first with your password. 
I’m writing before finishing reading it because I’m exited!
Amalia Warshenbrot
AJL Immediate past president
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