
Beth Mills would like to give away copies of her grandmother's poetry book.
Below is a description of book. * Please contact Beth directly at * if you are interested in obtaining a copy.

*A Life: Khane Bushel Solow 1892-1966*

Khane Bushel Solow began her life in Slonim, Belarus. She emigrated in 1914
and was active as a Yiddish writer in N.Y. City until the 1950’s. Her work
was recently translated into English. Khane wrote movingly of her old home
in Slonim, of her family and their fates, and of the effect the war had on
the whole community of Eastern European Jews. In her later years, she
reflected back on her life and what it was to be a Jewish woman poet in
those days.

Jackie Ben-Efraim

*"Although the books had changed, I the reader had not." **Micha Yosef
Berdichevsky 1865-1921*

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American Jewish University
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