I echo everyone's sentiments for Zachary. I'm so disappointed we aren't
able to present it to him in person this year. This is a career to be
jealous of and obviously Zachary you fully deserve this award. My thanks to
Elliot and the rest of the committee.


Dina Herbert
President, Association of Jewish Libraries: The Leading Authority on Judaic

On Mon, Apr 6, 2020 at 6:39 PM Zachary M Baker via Hasafran <
hasafran@lists.osu.edu> wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> I had hoped to join you at this year’s AJL Conference in Evanston, which
> for understandable reasons has been canceled along with so many other
> activities and functions. With Passover imminently upon us, here we all
> are, sheltering in place, hoping that this frightful pandemic will soon
> pass.
> When Elliot Gertel called to inform me that I am the recipient of the
> Fanny Goldstein Merit Award, I was deeply touched — and I am very grateful
> to AJL and to the committee members for the recognition. In a subsequent
> e-mail exchange, Elliot asked me to send him a few paragraphs that might
> summarize my career highlights, for inclusion in the conference program
> book. In the end, I sent him a couple of versions: one long and one short.
> Presumptuously and with apologies, I am sharing the long version of my
> career summary. Please feel free to jump to the next e-mail in your in-box!
> My first paid library job was during the year following my college
> graduation (1972), when I worked as a clerk in the reference department of
> the Hennepin County Library, which then served suburban Minneapolis (now
> HCL covers both the city and its suburbs). HCL in those days was one of the
> most innovative public library systems in the U.S. Its visionary adirector,
> Robert Rohlf, hired Maurice (Mitch) Freedman as head of Technical Services;
> Mitch, in turn, brought in Sanford (Sandy) Berman as the library’s Head
> Cataloger, after Sandy and his family were ejected from Idi Amin’s Uganda
> in 1972. One of the librarians with whom I worked in County Reference was
> Rosalind (Roz) Reisner, who is now an active member of AJL.
> I put in a second stint at HCL, working my way through library school at
> the University of Minnesota (1974-75). As I neared the end of my studies I
> wondered what I might do next. A few months before graduation I received a
> brochure from the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, announcing course
> offerings for its academic unit, the Max Weinreich Center for Advanced
> Jewish Studies. One listing particularly caught my eye: Internship in
> Judaica Librarianship, co-taught by Dina Abramowicz and Bella Hass
> Weinberg. I showed the brochure to Sandy Berman, who encouraged me to
> enroll in the internship program — and to inquire about job prospects at
> YIVO for an entry-level librarian. In January 1976 I began the internship
> and the following June was hired as assistant librarian, to catalog Yiddish
> books in the YIVO Library’s Vilna collection.
> It was during my first stint at YIVO (1976-1981) that the genealogical
> craze, spurred by the TV series “Roots,” really took off. In that
> pre-internet era, with access to Soviet and East European archives still
> largely cut off, specialized institutions such as YIVO were important for
> family history research. Dina Abramowicz asked me to attend a meeting of
> the nascent Jewish Genealogical Society in late 1977 and when I reported
> back to her the following morning, she duly delegated the responsibility
> for genealogical reference service to me. I began to write for *Toledot:
> the Journal of Jewish Genealogy*, whose editors, Arthur Kurzweil and
> Steven W. Siegel, encouraged me to update David Bass's bibliography of
> Eastern European Jewish memorial books (*yizker-bikher*), which had been
> published in *Yad Vashem Studies*. I followed suit, and that bibliography
> went through several iterations —including its being included in the two
> editions of the anthology *From a Ruined Garden*, edited by Jack
> Kugelmass and Jonathan Boyarin (1983 and 1998).
> It was while I was working at the Jewish Public Library in Montreal
> (1981-1987) that our Association’s flagship journal, *Judaica
> Librarianship*, was launched. Bella Hass Weinberg (founding co-editor,
> with Marcia Posner) solicited my participation as the journal’s “Responsa”
> columnist. Thus began my longstanding connection with the journal, as
> Contributing Editor, Style Editor, and (eventually) Editor-in-Chief.
> Not long after I returned to YIVO in 1987 as Head Librarian, Bella and I
> began to edit the *Yiddish Catalog and Authority File of the YIVO Library*,
> which was published by G. K. Hall, in 5 volumes, in 1990. We anticipated
> that the eventual retrospective conversion of the Library’s catalog would
> not entirely supersede this facsimile of the Library’s Yiddish card
> catalog. Of my other publications during that period I take special pride
> in “The Case of the Soviet Sholem Aleichem: A Bibliographic Detective
> Story,” which was published in *The Book Peddler* (as the Yiddish Book
> Center’s magazine was then called) and subsequently, in expanded form, in
> the *YIVO Annual*, where it bore the title "Sholem Aleichem's 80th
> Birthday Observances and the Cultural Mobilization of Soviet Jewry: A Case
> Study.” I am also proud of the collaborative work that the YIVO Library and
> the Yiddish Book Center did together during those years.
> Perhaps the most important example of that collaboration was the
> fact-finding trip that Neil Zagorin, on behalf of the Yiddish Book Center,
> and I made to Buenos Aires in November 1994, in the wake of the terrorist
> bombing of the AMIA Jewish community building. The New York YIVO’s sister
> organization, Fundación IWO, had its headquarters in the AMIA building, and
> much of its library and archival collections were damaged or destroyed as a
> result of the bombing. Being guided through the ruins firsthand was one of
> the most powerfully moving experiences I have ever had.
> My time as YIVO’s Head Librarian coincided with my most active involvement
> in the Association of Jewish Libraries, when I served on its Council and
> Board in several capacities, including as AJL’s President (1994-1996).
> Subsequently, I served as President of AJL’s sister organization, the
> Council of Archives and Research Libraries in Jewish Studies - CARLJS
> (1998-2002), whose annual meetings took place at AJL’s conferences.
> And it was during those same years that I traveled to Kiev as part of a
> YIVO delegation (early 1992), to visit the Vernadsky Library just at the
> moment that its incredible collections of Judaica were being opened. In
> early 1997 I was part of a survey team commissioned by the Foundation for
> Jewish Culture to document the National Library of Lithuania’s Judaica
> holdings, in Vilnius, and explore possible avenues of cooperation with that
> library. The other members of the team were Herbert Zafren and Pearl Berger.
> Although I have always considered myself a “research librarian,” in was
> only during the later phase of my career that I worked in a university
> setting, namely, Stanford. I soon came to appreciate just what a privilege
> it is to be a subject specialist in a great university library. At
> Stanford, I was able to work on several notable acquisitions, including the
> Ira Nowinski photograph archive, the Samson-Copenhagen Judaica Collection,
> the Eliasaf Robinson Collection on Tel-Aviv, and born-digital portions of
> Amos Gitai’s film archive.
> While at Stanford, I edited two book-length publications, *Judaica in the
> Slavic Realm, Slavica in the Judaic Realm: Repositories, Collections,
> Projects, Publications* (Haworth Information Press, 2003), and *Ira
> Nowinski: The Photographer As Witness *(Stanford University Libraries,
> 2004), and — somewhat belatedly — produced The Lawrence Marwick
> Collection of Copyrighted Yiddish Plays: An Annotated Bibliography
> <https://www.loc.gov/rr/amed/marwick/marwickbibliography.pdf> (Library of
> Congress, 2004). My collaboration with the Yiddish Book Center continued as
> well, in connection with its *1000 Essential Yiddish Books
> <https://www.yiddishbookcenter.org/collections/digital-yiddish-library/1000-essential-yiddish-books>
>  *website
> (2006). These last two publications, like my “Resources in Yiddish Studies”
> research guide (In geveb <https://ingeveb.org/>, 2017), were online-only.
> I think that it was a combination of just showing up every year (and
> occasionally giving a paper or chairing a panel) and also being affiliated
> with Stanford University, that led to my serving on the Board of Directors
> of the Association for Jewish Studies for ten years (2007-2017), including
> four years on its Executive Board, as Secretary-Treasurer (2013-2017). I
> feel that my serving on the AJS Board represented recognition by the
> field's leading learned society, of the value that librarians and
> archivists contribute to Jewish Studies scholarship.
> From 2010 to 2017 I was privileged to serve as Stanford’s Assistant
> University Librarian for Collection Development (Humanities and Social
> Sciences). For me, the pain of having to submit and defend annual budget
> proposals was more than outbalanced by the opportunity to work with and
> learn from an incredible team of subject librarians, whose passion and
> devotion to their areas of specialization was every bit as intense as mine
> was (and remains), to the Jewish Studies field.
> Since retiring in early 2018, I have pursued a multi-pronged — and very
> enjoyable — research project in an area of particular interest: the history
> of the Yiddish theater in South America, especially Argentina. You can find
> some of my “findings” on the Digital Yiddish Theatre Project
> <https://web.uwm.edu/yiddish-stage/>’s website.
> חג שמח — Happy Passover!
> Zachary
> Zachary M.  Baker
> zba...@stanford.edu
> zekhar...@gmail.com
> __
> Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual
> author
> and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries
> (AJL)
> ==================================
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Dina Herbert
Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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