I hope that this finds all of you well and safely sheltering in place. To some of you, my name may be familiar. I have been privileged to write numerous books in a variety of categories over the course of my career, published by a panoply of houses, mostly but not exclusively within the Jewish community. Over the last few years, I have been focusing my attention on children's books--which is nearly a completely new arena for me.

I am well-acquainted with the limited number of Jewish publishers of children's (picture) books. Following a recent interfaith trip to Israel with Muslims, Christians and Jews, I wrote several children's book stories with a Muslim coauthor. This is a new genre and therefore I think requires a new entry into the publishing world. So I am soliciting your advice. I thought among the members of this group, you might have some suggestions/connections.

Many thanks.


Dr. Kerry M. Olitzky



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