Dear colleagues,

I believe the following information may be of your interest.
An article  of mine reviewing the early history of  Jewish online networking
and an overview of present
activities has just been issued.  It is being very well received with more
than 3,000 downloads in its
initial publication period and adopted in some courses.

The venue for this publication is "Circumscribere International Journal for
the History of Science."
Find below a copy of the abstract.
Full text is available at:
The article page is at:;p27-65

I will appreciate it if you let other colleagues with potential interest in
this matter know about
this publication. I remain at your disposal for any further information.

Best regards,

*Dov Winer*

*Jewish Heritage Network/Judaica Europeana*

The programme for a Jewish Knowledge Grid is available here
<>              *cellular:

*home page*: http:// <>

The role of digital/online resources in the Jewish Diaspora communities
*Dov Winer*

Globalization, in its earlier stages, was expected to erode national and
ethnic identities. In contrast, ethnicity and
ethnic affiliations persisted, growing socially and politically. This paper
examines the role of the globalizing new
communications technologies on this process, focusing on Diasporas. The
study of trans-state networks based
on ethnic solidarity, connections and affinities in the framework of social
and political science is quite recent.
Following a clarification of the distinction between classical and modern
Diasporas we analyse a particular case
study, that of the Jewish Diaspora. This diaspora was an early adopter of
computer-based communications
and the Internet for a wide range of purposes. Early events are described
including the diffusion of the Internet
to Israel, the planning of a Global Jewish Information Network, Israel 2020
macro scenarios for Israel and
the Jewish People and the decision on Jewish Peoplehood through
communication technologies. A survey of
historical systems (Responsa, BBS, and Usenet) is followed by a description
of the Jewish population and the
wide variety of Jewish Web based activities today. These include the
Institutional landscape; Jewish media —
press, radio, video and blogs; the impact on Jewish religious observance;
Jewish genealogy; Online dating;
Social networks; Jewish education; Online learning; Jewish Studies and
Digital Humanities; Jewish memory.
Judaica Europeana supports the activities previously described by
aggregating and facilitating the access
and the re-use of Jewish digital culture. Europeana is the leading global
digital library for cultural heritage
as well as a lively eco-system for relevant stakeholders.
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