Dear Friends,

I am writing to let you know that my second book of fiction, *Beloved
Comrades: a Novel in Stories,* has been released. In this time of such
suffering and sorrow, I am grateful that this book was able to make its way
into the world. I give thanks to my publisher, the editors who gave some of
the stories in this book their first home, the writers whose
pre-publication blurbs can be found below, and to all of you who have
supported my work and me.

I welcome opportunities to speak about the book at virtual reading
club meetings and other gatherings. Thank you for spreading the word.

Please stay well and safe.

All my best,
Yermiyahu Ahron

Taub, Yermiyahu Ahron. *Beloved Comrades: a Novel in Stories*. Quanah,
Texas: Anaphora Literary Press, 2020. 284 pages. ISBN: Softcover:
978-1-68114-523-5; Hardcover: 978-1-68114-524-2 E-book: 978-1-68114-525-9.

Advance Praise for *Beloved Comrades*

Yermiyahu Ahron Taub offers readers the quiet attraction of dedicated
devotion even as it comes at the expense of the self. Self-control and
self-denial are not contemporary values, and yet, in a world where ascetic
life is almost unknown, the characters in Taub’s stories feel new and

—Pearl Abraham, author of *American Taliban* and *The Seventh Beggar*

Like a cherished heirloom quilt enlarged by each generation in turn,
Yermiyahu Ahron Taub’s novel in stories, *Beloved Comrades*, is greater
than the sum of its parts. There is warmth and wisdom within these pages—a
multigenerational saga of an Orthodox Jewish community that spans much of
the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Taub breathes life into a
remarkable range of characters through pitch-perfect dialogue and places
them in rooms filled with honeyed light and the aroma of fresh baked goods.
“Sit down,” he seems to say. “Have some tea and lemon cake. I have stories
to tell you.”

—Andrew W. M. Beierle, author of *First Person Plural*, shortlisted for the
2007 Lambda Literary Award for men's fiction

In his aptly-titled book, *Beloved Comrades*, Yermiyahu Ahron Taub
cultivates a rich tapestry of interlacing stories, tracing threads of
relationship between a small community of Jewish ‘beloveds,’ moving between
scenes and generations. His eloquent, nuanced observances of the essential
moments, quiet changes, and occasional secrets of daily life make the
characters’ ongoing interactions enlivened and vivid. Bringing a generous
attentiveness to each story, sentences like this emerge: *Sometimes
catastrophe only needed a moment to flower—the proverbial tiny chink in an
otherwise flawless armor that led to rust and ruin*. Like the community
Taub describes, *Beloved Comrades* is a book full of warm, embracing
stories woven with heart.

—Elizabeth Heaney, author of award-winning *The Honor Was Mine: A Look
Inside the Struggles of Military Veterans*

Yermiyahu Ahron Taub’s novel in stories is a tender and complex portrait of
an Orthodox congregation alternately held together and fractured by its
history. What I love about *Beloved Comrades* is how its many perspectives
reveal all of the contradictions of community: the synagogue is at once a
refuge and a prison, and its members both embrace and reject tradition as
they pursue individual desires that complicate communal ones. In the end,
what we see are characters who are defined by their connections even when
they run from them, becoming in the process fully and wholly themselves.
This is a generous and moving book about the role religious life plays for
those whom it sustains, as well as for those whom it drives away.

—Scott Nadelson, author of *The Fourth Corner of the World*

The true weight of this novel-in-stories sneaks up on you. Each individual
story exists in the quotidian, following generations of characters as they
address small wants and struggle with personal faults. But the cumulative
force of their shared lives comes together to show the true beauty of
community, of familial love. You’ll find yourself deeply longing right
alongside them, sharing nostalgia for a place you’ve never been.

—Zach Powers, author of *First Cosmic Velocity*

Read an earlier version of some of the stories in *Beloved Comrades*.

"The Rescue" in *eMerge Magazine*:

"The Reluctant Namesake" in *Marathon Literary Review*:

"Dolls, in Limbo" in* Gyara Literary Journal:*

"Winter's Firelight" in *Typishly*:

"*Antkegn dem fasad*," the Yiddish version of "Face à la Façade," in *Penshaft:
New Yiddish Writing*:
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