I've started compiling a Web page with links to Jewish literary events and
resources available online.  I'm not only the Temple librarian but also
facilitate the Temple's book group and was sending out irregular notices as
the came to my inbox. After doing this for a few weeks, I decided to
compile sources in one place instead.


(My apologies for the typo in the URL, but the link address is correct as

The focus is local – with some links to our local
PL,  independent bookstore and Temple programs – but most of the links are
of general interest.  (I've copped a few entries from sources posted here.
Thanks for sharing.). Feel free to copy and share as you see fit.

Lee Jaffe, Temple Beth El (Aptos)

p.s.  If you are associated with any of the East Coast-based institutions
(YIVO, JBC ...) please remind them that there is a 3-hour time difference
and that an 11am EDT event means 8am in this part of the world.
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