Class numbers in blue are changes and/or updates  (July 2020)    


David Elazar


828  Statehood (1948- )

.1   1948-1955

.13  The War of Independence (1948-49)

          Including Rhodes (Armistice) Agreements

.2   1956-1966

.23  The Sinai Campaign (1956)

.3   1967-1972

.33  The Six Day War (1967)

.34  Rogers Peace Plan (1969)

.4   1973-1981

.43  The Yom Kippur War (1973)

.44  Israel - Egypt Peace Treaty (1979)

.5   1982-1992

.53  Shalom Ha-Galil Campaign (Lebanon War 1982)

.54  Intifada

.55  Gulf War (1991)

.6   1993-1999

.61  Peace Process 

.62  Oslo Accords  (1993-1995)

.63  Israel-Jordan peace treaty (1994)

.64  Rabin Assassination  (1995)

.7   2000-

.71  Peace Process (2000 -  )

          Including various plans and initiatives

.711  Camp David Summit  (2000)

.73  Second(al-Aqsa)Intifada (2000)

.75  Gaza Strip  (2000 -   ) 

.751  Disengagement  (2005)

.752  Campaign against Hamas (2009 - ) 

.76   Campaign against Hezbollah 

         Including the Second Lebanon War (2006)


885  Israel and World Jewry

For relations with individual Diaspora communities, divide like 740-794;
e.g. 885.7 Israel-U.S. Jewish community relations

885.7 Israel-U.S. Jewish community relations

885.71 AIPAC; J-Street 


890  Israel and the Middle East

.5   Israel-Arab Relations

.51  Peace Efforts and Negotiations

          Egypt Peace Treaty (1979) see, 828.44

          Jordan peace treaty (1994) see, 828.63       

.55  Arab Boycott

.6   Israel and the Palestinian Arabs

          Including the Palestinian Authority

.61  Terrorism and Terrorist Organizations

.612  Palestine Liberation Organization

.613  Hamas

.614  Hezbollah

.615  Islamic Jihad

.619 Counter-terrorism

891  Middle East

Including general and political works on the Arabs; for specific countries,
use 892-89.  For Jews in the following countries, use 740-760

.2   Geography

.4   Social Characteristics, Anthropology

.5   Government and Politics

.6   Economics

.7   History

.8   Terrorism and Terrorist Organizations

.81  Al-Qaida

.82  ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria)

.89  Counter-terrorism






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