There was an expression of interest in this macro from Walt Nickeson. So I am 
posting the macro with his permission (see his correspondence below). It is not 
 (yet?) on his macro book, but you can use if from here if you are able to 
import it. I put it on OCLC User tools, and it works like magic!


Marlene Schiffman
Judaica Cataloger
Gottesman Library
Yeshiva University
500 West 185th Street
New York, N.Y. 10033

Gottesman Library
Room 301
646 592 4276

From: Nickeson, Walter <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2020 11:58 AM
To: Marlene Schiffman <>
Subject: RE: [EXT] - RE: diacritics

**External Email**
If you think this macro would be helpful to anyone else, I can put it on my 
Github site. It's such a specialized macro that I didn't think about making it 
more widely available. However, I'm happy to do so. But in addition to my 
posting the macro on Github, you could, because it's such a short and simple 
thing, post the macro itself on any relevant email Lists for people to copy and 

**External Email**


  Walter F. Nickeson, Catalog &

    Metadata Management Librarian

  Rush Rhees Library

  University of Rochester

  Rochester, NY  14627-0055<>

  (585) 273-2326  fax: (585) 273-1032



'MacroDescription:Eliminates diacritics from 100 and 245 fields.


' This macro was written by Walter F. Nickeson,

' University of Rochester, Rochester, NY



' Last updated: 21 September 2020.

' Check for the latest versions of my other macros at


' Please e-mail me with bug reports or to suggest improvements.


' This macro works for me with Connexion client 2.63 and 64-bit Windows 7 
Enterprise &

' 64-bit Windows 10 Pro, but no guarantees are promised or implied.



' How it works: Run the macro while viewing a bibliographic record. It removes 

' diacritics and special characters (that is, all characters whose ASCII values 

' outside the range 32 to 126) from the 1XX and 245 fields for printing with 
the OCLC

' label printing program.


Option Explicit

Declare Function Simplify( InString$ )

Sub Main

Dim ActualTag$

Dim CS As Object             : Set CS = CreateObject("Connex.Client")

Dim EditedField$

Dim FieldData$

Dim FieldLoop%

Dim LinkLoop%

Dim Tag$

Dim i As Integer

For FieldLoop% = 1 To 2

  If FieldLoop% = 1 Then

      Tag$ = "1.."


      Tag$ = "245"

  End If

  For LinkLoop% = 1 To 2

    If CS.GetField( Tag$, LinkLoop%, FieldData$ ) Then

        If FieldData$ <> "Data contains non-latin script" Then

            ActualTag$ = Left$( FieldData$, 3 )

            EditedField$ = Simplify( FieldData$ )

            If CS.SetField( LinkLoop%, EditedField$ ) = FALSE Then

                MsgBox "Sorry, editing the " & ActualTag$ & " field failed."

            End If

            Exit For

        End If

    End If

  Next LinkLoop%

Next FieldLoop%

End Sub


Function Simplify( InString$ )

Dim CharA%

Dim TempString$

Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 to Len( InString$ )

  CharA% = Asc( Mid$( InString$, i, 1 ) )

  If ( CharA% > 31 And CharA% < 127 ) Or CharA% = 223 Then

      TempString$ = TempString$ & Chr$( CharA% )

  End If

Next i

Simplify = TempString$

End Function
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