Dear safranim,

I think the event, or the topic of the event may interest you!

(I apologize for the late notice about this.)

Lunch with the Librarian presents:   A Conversation with Rachael Cerrotti,
author of  We Share the Same Sky: A Memoir of Memory and Migration (will be
published in August).
April 27,  12:00 - 1:00 p.m.  U.S.  EST.
RSVP to me by April 2 <>6   and I'll  send you the Zoom
Rachael is an award-winning photojournalist, writer, educator and
producer.  Her podcast, *We Share the Same Sky,*  was listed as one of
Post’s Best Podcasts of 2019
Her book is on the same topic as her podcast: about the journeys of her
beloved grandmother, Hana, a Holocaust survivor, as she was hidden by Good
Samaritans in several places in Europe.   Rachael retraced her
grandmother's journeys - literally- and reflects on her experiences.

Her work explores the intergenerational impact of migration and memory. Listen
to her podcast here
(It would be best to listen to her podcast before our April 27 gathering.)

To learn more about Rachael:;!!KGKeukY!hyNSr0wkCrMHQ7eH2WPWwj2hQalQzao9qx6Bg9tZZhdP8YtZ5RF9cMl2Fhd8c-Q3UIk$

Hope you can come!  And, if you can't,  check out her podcast - I promise
you it will be well worth your time.  And,  please support
local/independent book vendors if you buy her book.;!!KGKeukY!hyNSr0wkCrMHQ7eH2WPWwj2hQalQzao9qx6Bg9tZZhdP8YtZ5RF9cMl2Fhd8Wag3pSg$

Hope you and your loved ones are well,


Ann Abrams, Librarian
Dr. Arnold L. Segel Library Center
TILLI (Temple Israel Lifelong Learning Institute) Coordinator
Temple Israel
477 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02215

Pronouns: she/her/hers

617-566-3960 x116
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