Hi Michelle,

Here is the link to the AJL Accreditation page;

The only 'cost' is that you or the library/organization need to be an AJL

I will gladly speak with anyone about the process, and the Chair of the
Accreditation Committee, Shaindy Kurzmann, accreditat...@jewishlibraries.org,
is available to answer any and all questions as well.

Best of luck, it is an extremely rewarding experience, both in community
recognition of the program, and validation that you are providing quality
programming and services to your community.

Best regards,

SSCPL Division President

On Tue, May 11, 2021 at 7:54 AM Michelle Sandler via Hasafran <
hasafran@lists.osu.edu> wrote:

> I am looking for the rules and information on getting basic accreditation
> for Beth David Library.  Where do I find this information?  I looked all
> over the AJL website and could not find anything.  I have never done this
> before.  What is involved and how much does it cost?
> Michelle Sandler MLS
> Volunteer Librarian
> Beth David (Reform Synagogue)
> Westminster, California
> michellegailsand...@gmail.com
> libr...@templebethdavid.org
> __
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