Please join us next Wednesday, May 26, between 12:30-2:00 pm EST
(9:30-11:00 AM PT or 7:30-9:00 pm in Israel) for the *Wikidata Beginners'
Workshop.* The workshop will be led by Neil Manel Frau-Cortes,  chair of
the AJL Cataloging Committee and Assistant Head, Cataloging and Metadata
Services at University of Maryland Libraries.

Wikidata is a free, open, structured data platform that anyone can edit. At
the same time, it offers enough granularity and connectivity to be used for
authority management. Today more and more libraries are considering
Wikidata as an environment for the creation of linked data entities,
particularly for digital and special collections. In this workshop you will
learn the basics of entity creation and will have the opportunity to start
editing records with the help of our instructors.

This session is sponsored by AJL's RAS Division and is members-only. All
AJL members are welcome.

*Note:*  *Please register in advance.* *For those that wish to participate
in the hands-on session, please create a Wikidata account and bring two
examples of personal names you want to establish. Before the workshop, you
will be contacted by the instructor with further details.*

Register on Zoom at;!!KGKeukY!lNkX7AXnjqVhlTbip-aXdJS31n1E9WQDsfZBe1qcb3lm7E3oSFEElYUcPyf1_B3raF8$


Amalia S. Levi

RAS Division President
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