We are about to commemorate Tisha B’av tomorrow, the profound day of
mourning to commemorate the destruction of the First and Second Temples.  When
searching “Solomon’s Temple” in the Posen Digital Library online database,
I find at least 45 results about the reigns of King David and King Solomon
from Posen’s Volume 1, *Ancient Israel, from Its Beginnings through 332

The latest published volume, #1, is loaded with instances of persecutions,
destructions, looting of precious metals in Jerusalem, Judea and the
ancient areas by conquering empires.

Modern interpretation of this solemn holiday includes mourning recent
tragedies and crises, like the Shoah, desecrations of Torahs, religious
objects and people’s businesses, homes and lives.

It is an excellent time in history to pledge vigilance to prevent
hostilities and combat acts of antisemitism and terror. The FBI Hate Crimes
Statistics stated that American Jews, making up less than 2% of the
American population, were the victims of 60.2% of anti-religious hate
crimes in 2019.

On this Tisha B’av, let us all pray that examples of destruction be only
historical and not frequent occurrences.  I suggest reading the latest post
in Posen Library news,


Shabbat Shalom!

Pamela Turner

Bridget Marmion Book Marketing LLC

working with The Posen Library   

pturnertay...@gmail.com  216-408-5255

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