I do remember your emails and you will be missed, however, I want you to know 
that the rate for retires is, I believe, $35. 
You might consider staying as member and support the organization.

From: amyturim--- via Hasafran
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2021 12:13 PM
To: Hasafran to post
Subject: [ha-Safran] leaving the AJL universe...

Friends – While I’ve met very few of you in person, I nonetheless wanted to 
thank AJL as a group for the online camaraderie and support I’ve received 
through HaSafran these many years -- at least 15.  My tenure as Librarian at 
Temple Emanuel, Kensington, MD came to an end this summer -- so I need to let 
my AJL membership lapse -- and THIS has been a wonderful community.  
As so many of us do, I fell into my job unexpectedly.  No, I’m not a real 
librarian, but with a background in film archives and preservation, my 
knowledge of collections management served me well.  Much of the rest came from 
what I picked up on this listserve or what I read in the AJL News and Reviews. 
I was able to sharpen and adjust my skills to fit the needs of my small 
synagogue library collection, and soon I was even providing support to others 
on the list!  

This is a generous, forward-thinking, open-minded community of knowledgeable 
men and women, and I will truly miss the little corner of the web-o-sphere.  
Thank you for the years of standing at my back and providing me with superb 
institutional and personal support.

Stay healthy, everyone  – L’hitraot.
Amy Turim
Temple Emanuel
Kensington, MD

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