Dear RAS Librarians:

Jewish Genealogists have been asking for books with historical information
about Jewish communities in Eastern Europe.

I am looking for a comprehensive list of books like Yizkor books and Pinkas
Hakihilot that talk about towns in the old country.  I know of all the
Jewish encyclopedia sets, Where Once We Walked 2nd edition.  I have access
to a comprehensive list of Yizkor books on JewishGen.  All books in any
language excepted.  I want to make a comprehensive list for my role as head
of Jewish Genealogy libraries for the International Association of Jewish
Genealogy Societies.  I eventually plan to put these lists on the IAJGS
website in the library  section.

Michelle Sandler MLS
Beth David
Westminster California
Librarian OCJGS
Head of Libraries IAJGS
Jewish Genealogist for 38 years
Librarian for 33 years
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