I use pockets and cards.  I buy them from Demco.  They're not very
expensive.  I have a stamp with our name/address, and I stamp the pockets.
I don't have due dates, so I chose cards that have one date, which is the
check out date, and a name.  I have labels so one author/title/call # label
goes on the checkout card, another on the pocket, and the spine label for
the book.  Once a year, I have a student helper go through and send
reminders to everyone who has had something checked out for more than a
month to bring the books back.  We do lose things, but it's easier when we
have so little staff (1 student helper paid by the Religious School,
a paid library assistant, and I'm a volunteer, and we're only there Sunday

Emily Bergman
Temple Sinai
Glendale, CA

On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 3:45 PM Jill Greenstein Weisberg via Hasafran <
hasafran@lists.osu.edu> wrote:

> Hello. We have a small library - about 4500 books. We do not have a check
> out system. I'd like to establish a manual system with pockets and cards.
> Could someone please send me a simple process to put this into place? Can
> you give me an estimate ZjQcmQRYFpfptBannerStart
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> ZjQcmQRYFpfptBannerEnd
> Hello.  We have a small library - about 4500 books.  We do not have a
> check out system.  I'd like to establish a manual system with pockets and
> cards.  Could someone please send me a simple process to put this into
> place?  Can you give me an estimate of the cost?  Thanks much.  Jill
> Weisberg, Congregation B'nai Israel, St. Petersburg Florida (Buns Family
> Library).
> __
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