Dear Friends,

A recent posting on HaSafran has led to a misunderstanding that AJL as an
organization has endorsed a candidate for ALA President.  Nothing could be
farther from the truth.

AJL is remaining neutral in ALA's election and is looking forward to
working with the current and future presidents of ALA-whoever that may
be-on issues of importance to our members.

We deeply appreciate the willingness of Emily Drabinski and Kelvin Watson to
 make themselves available to talk to AJL members a few months ago. We look
forward to working with whoever becomes the new ALA Prsident in the future
on projects that will benefit ALA and AJL.

You can view the videos of both candidates' interviews here:
Emily Drabinsky:;!!KGKeukY!iPuhL2sYAzoJ6xgow01da423-YIAcNT21o1RuY9gjzvHnx0veeyb54FcuMm8wTR3l3FLECm86JZD4vg$
Kelvin Watson:;!!KGKeukY!iPuhL2sYAzoJ6xgow01da423-YIAcNT21o1RuY9gjzvHnx0veeyb54FcuMm8wTR3l3FLECm8HXseNqU$

Again, AJL has not endorsed a candidate for ALA President or any other
position in ALA during this current election.  We regret this
misunderstanding, and apologize to anyone who was hurt as a result of the
post that reflected the views of a single individual, and not those of AJL.

In peace and friendship,

Kathy B.

Kathleen M. Bloomfield
President, Association of Jewish Libraries:
The Leading Authority on Judaic Librarianship;!!KGKeukY!iPuhL2sYAzoJ6xgow01da423-YIAcNT21o1RuY9gjzvHnx0veeyb54FcuMm8wTR3l3FLECm8rwVEO_A$

Find me!
Website: forwordsbooks: kids books that matter. 
Instagram: *therealkathybloomfield*
Twitter: @forwordsbooks

"Reading is the key that opens doors to many good things in life. Reading
shaped my dreams, and more reading helped me make my dreams come true."  -
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
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