It would be a big oversight if were to fail to mention that Suzi Dubin, AJL
President from 2008-2010, was instrumental in making AJL the 27ᵗʰ ALA
Affiliate in early 2010.  Among the many great things Suzi did for AJL
before, during, and after her term as president was not only all the work
she put in to assure AJL would be an affiliated association of ALA and in
making sure all the required documentation was signed and submitted, but
she also insisted that the holder of the position of ALA liaison be an AJL
Council member (since 2014, reports to Council).  I am most grateful for
all Suzi did and continues to do for AJL and Judaica librarianship.  She
certainly deserves much credit, along with our heartfelt appreciation!
Thank you, Suzi!

ALA now has 33 affiliates:

Listing of Current Affiliates | About ALA

Thank you, Suzi, for doing so much to make AJL one of them!

Elliot H. Gertel, AJL-ALA Liaison, 2008-2020

*Elliot H. Gertel*  *עלע־הערש גערטל / אליהו־צבי גרטל*
*Irving M. Hermelin Curator Emeritus of Judaica *
*The University of Michigan *
*Ann Arbor, Michigan *
** <>

On Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 11:11 PM Elliot H. Gertel via Hasafran <> wrote:

> In the latest issue of *American Libraries, *the official magazine of the
> American Library Association, ALA President Lessa Kananiʻopua Pelayo-Lozada
> mentions AJL in her column, “From the President,” *AL,* September/October
> 2022, p.4, “Representation Matters.”
> “We also partner with our affiliates to embrace representation,
> collaborating on projects and highlighting awards from the National
> Association of Librarians of Color and the Association of Jewish Libraries,
> among others.”
> How good to be noticed in a positive way by the current president of ALA!
> *Elliot H. Gertel*  *עלע־הערש גערטל / אליהו־צבי גרטל*
> *Irving M. Hermelin Curator Emeritus of Judaica*
> *Member, ALA EMIERT Jewish Information Committee (2020-2022)*
> *AJL-ALA Liaison, 2008-2020*
> *The University of Michigan*
> *Ann Arbor, Michigan*
> ** <>
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