Dear Safranim,

Just in time to wish you shana tova, we have a new issue of *AJL News and
Reviews*. If you are an AJL member, you just got an email with a link to
the website; once you log in, you will be able to read the issue.

For those of you who are not AJL members, why not join
  >? Current issues of *AJL New and
Reviews* are a member benefit.

The Sept/Oct 2022 issue includes some wonderful articles: AJL President
Michelle Margolis writes about *The Jews of Corfu*, a new exhibit with
Columbia U. and JTS; in a companion piece, David Kraemer penned an article
on JTS' preceding exhibit on Jewish weddings, *To Build a Home*; a mystery
was solved at Temple Sinai in Washington, D.C.; and award winning
illustrator Sean Rubin answered our *Seven Questions.*

Other articles, chapter chatter, member news, and reviews, reviews,
reviews....more than 30 pages of reviews of recent Jewish books.

Thanks to our team of editors and reviewers and webmaster Sheryl Stahl and
PR maven Paula Breger for getting this issue out. Today we read; tomorrow,
we start work on  the next issue..

L'Shana Tova tikatevu,

Sally Stieglitz
Communications and Outreach Coordinator
*Liaison to Academic, Hospital, and Special Libraries *
Long Island Library Resources Council

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Sally Stieglitz
*AJL News and Reviews*, Editor-in-Chief
Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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