ALA President Pelayo-Lozada announces travel grant for LibLearnX 2023

ALA President Lessa Kananiā€™opua Pelayo-Lozada announces a travel grant for
underemployed library workers to attend the Library Learning Experience
(LibLearnX) on January 27-30, 2023, in New Orleans, LA. The grant will
cover the expenses of two underemployed library workers from
underrepresented groups (American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian,
Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Middle Eastern and North African,
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, 2SLGBTQIA+, a person with a
disability) whose employment status has changed to part-time or less since
January 2021. One award is for a library worker with an MLS, and the other
award is for a library worker without an MLS. ALA membership is required to
be eligible for this grant.

Recipients will receive registration for LLX and $2500 to pay for expenses
related to attending LibLearnX, including, but not limited to travel and

Applications will be accepted October 1, 2022 to November 4, 2022. For
details regarding the selection criteria and or to apply for the travel
grant, please visit the LibLearnX website
  > for more
information. Winners will be announced in December 2022. This award is
supported by the ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services
Sally Stieglitz
Communications and Outreach Coordinator
*Liaison to Academic, Hospital, and Special Libraries *
Long Island Library Resources Council

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LILRC is a member of the Empire State Library Network (ESLN

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