*Please, don't feel alone! We are all together.*

*Twenty three members of AJL-Canada are here! We are young and we are
constantly growing!*

*Anna Skorupsky,*
*President at AJL-Canada*

On Sat, Mar 25, 2023 at 9:35 AM ALBA TOSCANO via Hasafran <
hasafran@lists.osu.edu> wrote:

> Jean-Claude KUPERMINC via Hasafran wrote: Dear Safranim, I am very happy
> to have received by post the button of AJL Proud member for 2023. It is
> very well designed, and I was laughing when I read the catalogue card it
> was attached to: "Sex
> Jean-Claude KUPERMINC via Hasafran wrote:
> Dear Safranim, I am very happy to have received by post the button of AJL
> Proud member for 2023. It is very well designed, and I was laughing when I
> read the catalogue card it was attached to: "Sex Role Perceptions of
> Palestinian males
> I was wondering, how many AJL Members are there outside of Israel and the
> USA? I feel a little alone as a Proud Member in France.
> Heyya Jean-Claude
> Proud member since forever in Valencia Spain
> Hugz
> Alba Toscano
> Sinagoga La Javurá
> Valencia (Spain)
> __
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