Dear all,

Just a reminder that you are invited to the AJL-RAS Cataloging Committee 
Virtual Meeting next week, June 15. Please see the details below, including 
links to the Zoom call and to the Summer 2022 minutes, which will be submitted 
for approval at the beginning of the meeting.

Best regards,

Neil M. Frau-Cortes,

On behalf of the AJL-RAS Cat. Comm.

AJL RAS Cataloging Committee Virtual Annual Meeting

15 June 2022, 12pm-1:30pm EDT (11:00am CDT, 9:00am PDT, 6:00pm CEST, 7:00pm 
IDT) | 

Old Business

1.       Welcome, designate notetaker (Neil, 3 min)
2.       Approve minutes from Summer 
 > meeting (Neil, 2 min.)
3.       Committee membership and chair (Neil, 5 min.)

Continuing/New Business

1.       Possible modification of the current LC Classification Schedule 
caption in the BM674.6-BM674.76 range (Haggadot texts) to include the option of 
cuttering for commentator (or if necessary, publisher) (Asher, 10 min.)
2.       HCM-RDA updates/revisions (Jasmin, 5 min.)
3.       NLI updates (David 10 min.)
4.       Training new catalogers (Haim, Jasmin, Aaron, 10 min.)
5.       LCSH updates and discussion
 i.            Jewish-Arab relations/Arab-Israeli conflict new and revised 
headings (Jasmin, Aaron, 15 min.)
ii.            BC/AD to BCE/CE in NARs and SARs (Jasmin. 3 min.)
iii.            Proposed task force to identify Christian bias in LCSH and 
procedures to change them (Marlene, Haim?, 10 min.)
iv.            Other projects
a.       Ashkenazi rite (Jasmin, 2 min.)
b.       Tree of Life/Tree of Knowledge (Haim, 5 min.)
6.       Update on Hungary class numbers (Haim, 5 min.)

Neil M. Frau-Cortes
 >: he/him/his)

Cataloger - Libraries Division - Collection Management
100 S. Andrews Avenue, MN7
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

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