The AJL Digital Conference Starts Next Week! 

A World of Possibilities is almost here! Don't miss out; it's not too late to 
register! We're sure you'll find next week's programming educational, 
enriching, entertaining, and fun.

The 2023 AJL conference will feature over 40 sessions by more than 120 
presenters from across the United States, Canada, Israel, China, England, 
France, Germany, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, South Africa, and more! Our diverse 
group of librarians, archivists, authors, educators, and scholars will present 
on a large variety of topics related to Judaica librarianship, archives, 
databases, Jewish literature for adults and children, and more. View the 
preliminary program here 

You do not need to be a librarian to participate! Scholars, educators, 
archivists, authors, publishers, students, library advocates, volunteers, and 
anyone interested in learning more about the field of Judaic librarianship are 

Visit the conference webpage 
 > to register. The cost of attending the conference is $180 for AJL members, 
$90 for retirees, and $40 for students (includes AJL membership through 
9/30/2024). The cost for non–AJL members is $290. Registration includes all 
conference sessions, handouts, and access to the session recordings for up to a 

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