AJL was planning advocacy for our library members and non-members, but, it is extremely difficult. Amalia W. Sent from my iPad On Jul 12, 2023, at 8: 01 AM, Andrea Rapp via Hasafran <hasafran@ lists. osu. edu> wrote:   Any theories on why
AJL was planning advocacy for our library members and non-members, but, it is extremely difficult.
Amalia W.

Sent from my iPad

On Jul 12, 2023, at 8:01 AM, Andrea Rapp via Hasafran <hasafran@lists.osu.edu> wrote:

 Any theories on why this is happening, I,e. dwindling support for synagogue libraries? Circulation must have been dropping off by a lot, no? I see it also. Andrea On Jul 11, 2023, at 10: 07 PM, Carol Janoff via Hasafran <hasafran@ lists. osu. edu>

Any theories on why this is happening, I,e. dwindling support for synagogue libraries? Circulation must have been dropping off by a lot, no? I see it also. 

On Jul 11, 2023, at 10:07 PM, Carol Janoff via Hasafran <hasafran@lists.osu.edu> wrote:

This is happening to my temple library too. We have sold our current building and are renting it back for 3 years, but the outer building where the library filled two rooms with over 7,000 volumes has been unavailable to us from the time of

This is happening to my temple library too.  We have sold our current building and are renting it back for 3 years, but the outer building where the library filled two rooms with over 7,000 volumes has been unavailable to us from the time of the sale.  The books are all packed in boxes and stored in the attic of the sanctuary.  The new building will almost certainly not have a room (or rooms) dedicated solely to the library but will most likely have a conference room or some such with shelves around the perimeter.  Obviously most of the books will not fit and I just don’t even know what we can do with so many discarded books.  It breaks my heart because I started this library and have added to it and run it for over 25 years and I think it is a fine collection.  I am a volunteer (with a library science degree from 1973) and I don’t really want to even deal with this situation. I am dreading the day when the administrator asks me to do it.  But if I say NO as this point I have no idea who would do it.


Carol Janoff

Temple Chai

Phoenix, AZ



From: Hasafran <hasafran-bounces+cjanoff=outlook....@lists.osu.edu> On Behalf Of Michelle Sandler via Hasafran
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2023 11:27 AM
To: Hasafran <hasafran@lists.osu.edu>
Subject: [ha-Safran] Beth David Library (Reform) in Westminster California is Being cut in half.


Dear Judaica Librarians: My library at Beth David in Westminster, California is being cut in half.   They need the classroom for the Youth Lounge.   The Youth Lounge is being turned into a preschool classroom to make more money for the synagogue

Dear Judaica Librarians:


My library at Beth David in Westminster, California is being cut in half.  They need the classroom for the Youth Lounge.  The Youth Lounge is being turned into a preschool classroom to make more money for the synagogue as the Preschool has a waiting list.

The 1,100 childrens and teen books are going into the Religious School Directors office. The 100 reference books are going into the Rabbi's office. 400 of the 1800 adult fiction and non-fiction books are staying in the new Youth Lounge.  The remaining 1,400 or 1,500 books are going away.  This is a nightmare to eliminate the books that are going away from my ResourceMate catalog.  Has anyone else had to deal with this?  I have been the Volunteer Librarian there for 10 years.


Michelle Sandler MLS


Beth David

Westminster, California

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