I'm so grateful to Michelle for posting this. I think it's perfectly
eloquent, and I want to echo her message. As someone else in the Diaspora,
I am also eager to help however I can.

Praying for everyone, and for peace,

*Erika Dreifus*
Writer. Teacher. Resource Maven. Literary Advocate.
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On Mon, Oct 9, 2023 at 9:21 AM Michelle Margolis via Hasafran <
hasafran@lists.osu.edu> wrote:

> Dear colleagues, I ended Simhat Torah in innocence - somehow the news
> didn't make it to the community where I was for the holiday - and then
> turned on my phone to the terrible news. So many of us have family,
> friends, and of course colleagues
> Dear colleagues,
> I ended Simhat Torah in innocence - somehow the news didn't make it to the
> community where I was for the holiday - and then turned on my phone to the
> terrible news. So many of us have family, friends, and of course colleagues
> in Israel right now (I know I'm still waiting on news from some family
> members) and are hurting so much. I'm not the most eloquent writer, but I
> just wanted to reach out to say that I'm thinking and praying for all of
> you, and holding you in my heart.
> Please be in touch if there is anything at all we can do - as an
> association or individually.
> May we see peace very soon.
> Michelle
> Michelle Margolis
> President, Association of Jewish Libraries
> __
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