I recently composed a letter that I sent out to everyone I knew in the US 
explaining what was going on in Israel in terms that I hoped would resonate 
with those who are unfamiliar with the situation. 
I'm from New York, so that's my frame of reference. I'm sure you could modify 
it to other regions of the country. 
If you find this approach useful, please feel free to copy it and send it along 
to anyone else:
"Israelinitially staggered under the weight of this barbaric massacre of its 
people. The feelings here are very similar to those we experienced in the wake 
of the 9/11 attacks. The difference is that Israel is facing a threat to its 
very existence.
To continue this comparison, imagine that on 9/11 a planeload of hundreds of 
terrorists landed at JFK. They then hijacked all of the cars in the car rental 
agencies and started to fan out throughout Long Island, killing everyone they 
They forced their way into homes and murdered everyone they found. 

They slaughtered babies in their cribs and beheaded them.

Some of the terrorists then kidnapped men, women, children and the elderly with 
their home healthcare aides off the street, stuffed them into the trunks of the 
cars, drove back to JFK, put them on the plane and flew out of the country with 

They wanted to use them as negotiation pawns or human shields to prevent anyone 
from attacking them.

The rest of the terrorists who were determined to die continued to try to elude 
capture so they could kill as many people as possible. In the ensuing days, 
other infiltrators made their way to Long Island to continue the slaughter.
All of this was happening as Long Island was under attack from 3,000 missiles 
launched at it from Queens.

That's an American version of what happened in the 22 Israeli communities close 
to the Gaza Strip."
Diane Romm writing from Haifa

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