Thank you to Susan Pankowsky and Judy Greenblatt for your posting(s) about
Jean Lettofsky, z"l. Although I did not know her, I appreciated hearing a
little about her. With so much overwhelming grief in our world currently,
it feels especially important to me to remember every individual who has
touched our lives. Judy, you also mentioned Lillian Schwartz, z"l.

Today, coincidentally, is the first *yahrzeit* of my husband of almost 60
years, Harold Gorvine, z"l, who was a beloved history teacher at Akiba
Hebrew Academy outside Philadelphia for close to 40 years. He loved books
and libraries nearly as much as he loved his family, his lifelong friends,
and his students. One of the librarians at the school - possibly Wendie
Sittenfield, who is still there and who is on this listserv? - used to joke
that the library's annex was our home! (To be clear, Akiba became the Jack
M. Barrack Hebrew Academy and moved to a different location in 2007, two
years after my beloved husband retired.)

May Susan, Judy, all who knew Jean and Lillian, all who are mourning
individuals lost to our people since October 7, and all of us be comforted.

Natalie Gorvine
"Avocational" librarian and retired chaplain - I worked in a pediatric
medical library for over 21 years; have been an active member of the
library committee of my *shul* (Mishkan Shalom in Philadelphia) for decades
and am now also on the library of the tiered healthcare facility where I

"He [Hillel] used to say: 'If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And
if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?' "  - *Pirkei
Avot*  1:14

6300 Greene St
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610 662-6978 (cell)
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