Hi Amy, AJL President Michelle Margolis recently sent out a link to a list of academic and other resources developed by AJL members. This list includes links to other resources as well, including academic resources:
Book List: This list of readings<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/sgemaillink.findjoo.com/ls/click?upn=ORaNdmoAEJttiV1tXrEZR78KhxGEbtenRvWKgCrnsxfXsg4lDn85dy0G-2BSxSCR1u5OW4Q2ogSNcZHsHHzQh4YnmU85NA-2BZDIExKrbXoNOSY-2FkHdUDfPYY1hSe8OvwMLb-2FTvjxQRvM7abfnLrkKrgtg-3D-3DY67B_k5kXTsaWnn6-2FEh4Kynw3-2B6uHww7V6IbDKhTt0Z7pPt80kwGi-2FoI-2FVzyZeakbx3LPsepOKCjcaqyLdK9N9HtE-2B-2FtpeMkSgK1lOG-2FyXWHwSDsZowXGemvWUvJUPGNdvGwgLT3j3MOy0hLHOwFeAPszsVQtwbLrMmBk9R89eIlpu5ViFK-2Fya7Ucbc-2F2BDh35JfggSwYVqnqtUkqisk5CBtQqc2fKk8-2FmtL3SQ-2BMXlgOEVIK5DzQQh41-2BgSi7Ww7tI9kCSPu3UbJ-2BZrKKs8rRciuisnuegm36N4TgK0ieoNkbq4XD-2BXc6gByI80T-2B4-2Bk6Oi3mssA0YIliG64Hh-2FZg7Rfv8IFukUzE-2F0TFGu70DXBdB4QXl6AfyTXzd7myCzu5FAOSdV-2F4NtuyVYZX6n5p0l6Wpa7fW5L8s1tGYeYBUx-2FrZzcJhq7vky4ntjB-2FLENAvT5__;!!KGKeukY!xwXNg9pBCnXXgTYPxEDKs_VvoaL0V_KTlOeyaN3j110lK7GoWgYM9oH5CVSFGHsw_VSn_TuCC-NTcBhKd9Y2Y0EBMlys$> aims to inform readers interested in learning about Israel, its history, and Israeli perspectives on the Israeli-Hamas conflict. It includes both academic and literary titles and does not claim to be exhaustive. It is a working document, and we appreciate feedback. Here is also a resource list from the UCLA Y & S Nazarian Center for Israel Studies: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.international.ucla.edu/israel/article/270276__;!!KGKeukY!wb3X0sbSI3u8sfDfhpzKS_nnjQ4RXpDRRtADai4AG8_CJKYSjLsIZ_cz3RMuI2bsadCvHcH1-wnEmDNVs8EAqdgWsMqU-tRUl-tN3Q$ Caroline Miller Caroline R. Miller Team Leader, Discovery Team Hebraica/Judaica Metadata Librarian UCLA Library Resource Acquisitions and Metadata Services 2400 Life Sciences Building 621 Charles E Young Drive South Box 957230 Los Angeles, CA 90095-7230 From: Hasafran <hasafran-boun...@lists.osu.edu<mailto:hasafran-boun...@lists.osu.edu>> On Behalf Of Amy Graham via Hasafran Sent: Wednesday, November 8, 2023 9:05 AM To: hasafran@lists.osu.edu<mailto:hasafran@lists.osu.edu> Subject: [ha-Safran] Suggestions for current books that can provide balance to academic libraries Collective wisdom: When I'm not in my synagogue library, I'm the acquisitions librarian for a liberal arts college. I'm seeing the books that are being rush ordered regarding the Israel-Hamas situation and finding that most are either Palestinian Collective wisdom: When I'm not in my synagogue library, I'm the acquisitions librarian for a liberal arts college. I'm seeing the books that are being rush ordered regarding the Israel-Hamas situation and finding that most are either Palestinian viewpoint only or far-leftist Israeli p.o.v. I've seen a lot of suggestions on Hasafran for children's books to deal with the crisis, but not much for the college crowd. I'm looking for books that provide a balanced viewpoint that I can suggest to our selectors. I saw mention of: Arabs and Israelis: Conflict and Peacemaking in the Middle East by Abdel Monem Said Aly, Shai Feldman, Khalil Shikaki. Has anyone read this? What other books are you purchasing? Thanks, Amy Wissoker Graham Congregation Ohev Shalom Wallingford, PA
__ Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL) ================================== Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to: Hasafran@lists.osu.edu To join Ha-Safran, update or change your subscription, etc. - click here: https://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/hasafran Questions, problems, complaints, compliments send to: galro...@osu.edu Ha-Safran Archives: Current: http://www.mail-archive.com/hasafran%40lists.osu.edu/maillist.html Earlier Listserver: http://www.mail-archive.com/hasafran%40lists.osu.edu/maillist.html AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org -- Hasafran mailing list Hasafran@lists.osu.edu https://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/hasafran