A little while ago, someone asked about children's books that are pro-Israel
To counter all the anti-Israel propaganda.
I don't recall if this book was mentioned:
Z is for Zionism: Introduce your child to the true, inspiring story of Israel 
and the Jewish people
by Ze'ev 
"Take your child (6+) on the soul-stirring journey of the Jewish people through 
history up to the Zionist dream becoming a reality. Introduce your child to the 
Jewish people's return to the promised land, and the important role Israel 
plays in securing a Jewish future. Among other things, this book is a response 
to the popular children's book P is for Palestine, which promotes violence 
against Israel. Gone are the days when our children can grow up innocent. They 
are now inundated with anti-American/anti-Israel propaganda online, at school 
and in the media. This book is a small measure to push back against the 
misinformation children may be exposed to. For some, Zionism has become a bad 
word that can't be uttered in public. This is nonsense. We need to teach our 
children to be proud Zionists. Age appropriate lessons included in this book: - 
Introduction to Judaism - History of Israel - Israel as a force for good in the 
world - Importance of Israel for Jewish self defense - Discussion of 
anti-semitism - Palestinian Arab rejection of Israel About the author, Ze'ev 
Zion: I work professionally countering the enemies of Israel and the Jewish 
people. In the past I worked for influential Jewish and pro-Israel 
organizations. Unfortunately, too many fellow Jews, who mean well, don't 
believe in proudly defending our identity and homeland. As a result, young Jews 
are growing up and embracing values antithetical to Judaism. I was compelled to 
write this book in order to provide a way for our children to understand the 
facts about Israel, in an age appropriate manner, before they are exposed to 
the many anti-semitic lies that pervade our society online, at school and in 
the media. Passages from the book: Thousands of years ago, the ruler of the 
universe, God, made a covenant with Abraham, the very first Jew. A covenant is 
like an agreement. God promised to give the land of Israel to the Jewish 
people. Later on, God gave his commandments, which are like rules, to the Jews 
in the Torah. It is these three things-God, Torah and Israel-that form the 
foundation of Judaism... ...Some didn't like that the Jews introduced God and 
moral demands into the world. Others told lies about Jews and blamed them for 
problems they didn't create. While others didn't like that the Jews were 
different than them. This poor treatment of Jews is called anti-semitism... 
...For thousands of years, the land of Israel was conquered and ruled by many 
different groups, including the Romans, Muslims, Greeks and Turks. But none of 
them had the same historical, legal or God-given right to the land as the 
Jews... ...After the Holocaust Jews swore that they would Never Again allow 
something like that to happen. It became even more clear why Zionism was so 
important. The Jewish people needed to return to Israel, not only because it 
belonged to them, but also so they could join together with one another and 
defend themselves... ...Israel tried to make peace over and over again with the 
Palestinian Arabs. Israel offered to share the land with them and even agreed 
to give up part of Israel to create a Palestinian state. But the Palestinian 
Arabs were not interested... ...Israel does an excellent job defending itself. 
Israel has one of the most powerful militaries in the world. Israel is strong, 
smart, confident, successful and gives Jews all around the world pride... 
...Israel is a free country that treats all of its citizens fairly, even the 
ones that aren't Jewish. Israel is the only country in the Middle East that 
truly lets its citizens choose who leads them. This is called democracy... 
...When there are serious problems around the world, like hurricanes or 
earthquakes, Israel sends over experts to help. When there was a devastating 
earthquake in Haiti, Israel was one of the first countries to send crews to 
treat the injured and clean up the destruction... ...Israel and the United 
States have a special relationship..."
Amazon.com: Z is for Zionism: Introduce your child to the true, inspiring story 
of Israel and the Jewish people eBook : Zion, Ze'ev: Kindle 

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