This is fantastic news!  Mazel Tov, Esther, and thanks to the committee for
an excellent choice.

Kathy B.

On Thu, Apr 11, 2024 at 2:48 PM Rebecca Levitan via Hasafran <> wrote:

> I am delighted to announce that Esther Schnaidman is the 2024 Kar Ben
> Publishing AJL Conference Scholarship recipient. The Kar-Ben Scholarship,
> funded by Kar-Ben Publishing in honor of founders Judye Groner and Madeline
> Wikler, awards a scholarship
> I am delighted to announce that Esther Schnaidman is the 2024 Kar Ben
> Publishing AJL Conference Scholarship recipient. The Kar-Ben Scholarship,
> funded by Kar-Ben Publishing in honor of founders Judye Groner and Madeline
> Wikler, awards a scholarship for AJL conference attendance to an AJL member
> who demonstrates dedication to Jewish children’s literature and library
> services.
> Esther has spent over 20 years as the School Media Specialist and
> Librarian at the Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey. In this position she
> has increased the library collection, created a library curriculum, and
> brought programs to the school. Additionally she has earned her school
> library Advanced Accreditation from AJL. In the words of committee member
> Aviva Rosenberg "She's doing things other schools and librarians aren't,
> she's definitely going above and beyond". In addition to her work at her
> school, Esther has helped facilitate roundtables for AJL, presented at
> conferences, and is a consistent and thoughtful reviewer for *AJL News
> and Reviews*. Mazel tov Esther!
> I'd like to thank the Kar Ben Publishing AJL Conference Scholarship
> committee members for their help in selecting such a deserving AJL member
> for this generous award: Heidi Rabinowitz, Aviva Rosenberg, Ellen
> Drucker-Albert, and Judy Ehrenstein.
> Rebecca Levitan
> President, Schools, Synagogues, Centers, & Public Libraries Division
> Association of Jewish Libraries
> <;!!KGKeukY!z6CZelXMLgAFpSE3gqyFAdEiXcAEJ7UaJigosDO_n_ziy9G-GFlUlpOfRBrq1WhEbYN5FQPjRgKPT2jRETUoaA$>
> __
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> and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries
> (AJL)
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Kathleen M. Bloomfield
Immediate Past President & Conference Co-Chair
Association of Jewish Libraries:
The Leading Authority on Judaic Librarianship;!!KGKeukY!z9BKG83I67fHUX4UCqk4IpFHaMV_9gNScNxNWe7b7z1ncGMj7ZB1YGRr63jEpfRi4Msxj6yl6ghwyD1wsh142xJ_gsUO9g$

"Reading is the key that opens doors to many good things in life. Reading
shaped my dreams, and more reading helped me make my dreams come true."  -
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
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