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Subject: Re: [haskell-art] Re: Creating .wav or .aiff with     
From:    "Rohan Drape" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:    Tue, July 24, 2007 9:52 am
To:      "Henning Thielemann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Tue, July 24, 2007 5:35 am, Henning Thielemann wrote:
> I have used the TCP transport data type and derived a File data type from
> it. However I got the error that the OSC message is longer than 8192

what gives that error? hosc or hsc3 or scsynth?

> bytes. Thus I reversed the byte order in the length encoding:

i doubt that was a good idea!

>       let b = encodeOSC msg
>           n = fromIntegral (B.length b)
>       in  B.hPut fd (B.append (B.reverse (encode_u32 n)) b)
> Now it seems that the times are not interpreted properly:

try unreversed encode_i32 (osc tends to use sized integers,
this is the case also for bundle sizes)

> Maybe this is still an issue of byte ordering. Server-Architecture.rtf
> states that values must be in network byte order.  What is 'network byte
> order' in the case of files?

network order = big endian.  there are a few simple score functions at:

i've not used these recently though!


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