apologies yet again, another two mis-directed replies...

--- Begin Message ---
Henning Thielemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I boiled the problems down to a simple example. There are no errors
> reported about the messages, but the result is not what we expect.

This is an NTP/UTC issue.

OSC timestamps are in NTP, but at a user level the 
hosc/hsc3 libraries (and sclang) work with UTC.

The encodeOSC function from hosc converts 
from UTC to NTP.

In your text, replacing:

> nonrealtime =
>    do let tsMsgs = map (uncurry Bundle) msgs


nonrealtime =
   do let tsMsgs = ntpZeroed (map (uncurry Bundle) msgs)

and adding:

ntpZeroed :: [OSC] -> [OSC]
ntpZeroed l = map f l
    where f (Bundle t c) = Bundle (t - 2208988800.0) c
          f (Message _ _) = undefined

works here.

Also, given the a post 30-July-2007 version of


the below is the nrt test file i have, it first plays 
the score in rt, then writes a score to "/tmp/nrt.score"
and renders it to "/tmp/nrt.wav".



import Sound.OpenSoundControl (OSC(Bundle))
import Sound.SC3
import qualified Sound.SC3.UGen.Noise.Base as N
import Rhs.Score (Score(..), playScore, writeScore)
import System.Cmd

-- Illustrate Score

g = out 0 (pan2 o (N.rand (UGenId 0) (-1) 1) 1)
    where f = Control KR "freq" 440
          o = sinOsc AR f 0 * envGen KR 1 1 0 1 RemoveSynth envPerc' * 0.1

s = Score (Bundle 0.0 [send_instr, make_group] : notes)
    where send_instr = d_recv (graphdef "test" (graph g))
          make_group = g_new [(1, AddToTail, 0)]
          f (t,n) = Bundle t [s_new "test" (-1) AddToTail 1 [("freq", n)]]
          notes = take 128 (map f (zip [0.0, 0.05 ..] [330, 350 ..]))
main = do withSC3 ((flip playScore) s)
          writeScore "/tmp/nrt.score" s
          system "scsynth -N /tmp/nrt.score _ /tmp/nrt.wav 44100 WAVE float"

--- End Message ---
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