Dear Henning,

> Recently I had a bug in my program, which was due to adding 'out'
> twice to a UGen (however at different places). I thought it could be
> better to give UGens which have no output (in other words: UGens that
> cannot be input of other UGens), a different type. Say
> out :: UGen -> UGen -> Sink
> replaceOut :: UGen -> UGen -> Sink
> ...
> Would this work?

Perhaps, there are also 'Source' UGens, I'm
not sure the extra implementation complexity 
and uncertainty is worth-while.

In any case I've added a 'checkInputs' pass 
to the UGen constructor so that:

> out 0 (out 0 (sinOsc AR 440 0 * 0.1))

now generates an error.

| *** Exception: illegal inputUGen ...

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