> ... the one thing I would most like to
> see is a lazy version, enabling something like this:
> do
>  hFile <- openFile "path/filename" ReadMode
>  hOutFile <- openFile "path/newFile" WriteMode
>  (format, audioData) <- HSnd.readFile hFile
>  HSnd.writeFile hOutFile format $ some_processing_func audioData
>  closeFile hFile
>  closeFile hOutFile

I thought about that once too (i used libst, the library behind sox). As i see 
it, one problem is, that the headers of audio files (at least the ones, i 
looked at) include the length of the soundfile. If 'some_processing_func' 
changes the length of the sound data, you would have to modify the header 
after writing the whole file. Is this supposed to happen in the 'closeFile' 

Generally it's great to see some developement in this field!


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