On Wed, 18 Jun 2008, Rohan Drape wrote:

> i was actually thinking though of the 'update' sytax being only
> syntax, ie.
> data A = A {a :: Int, b :: Int} deriving (Show)
> -- cannot write f as:
> --f g x n = x { g = n }
> -- instead either
> f_a x n = x { a = n }
> f_b x n = x { b = n }
> -- or
> data AA = Aa | Ab
> f Aa x n = x { a = n }
> f Ab x n = x { b = n }

If you are interested in more stuff for record access, see

I like to upload this to hackage once the interface becomes a bit stable.

> ps. actually, seeing it written down in that context record seems not
> the best name for that sub-tree, since it suggests recording to disk
> etc. (and the two meanings record & record are pronounced differently
> which is actually what i noticed).  unfortunately i don't have a
> better suggestion.

'attribute set', 'struct', ... ?
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