On Fri, 20 Jun 2008, Rohan Drape wrote:

> hello stefan & list
> cc-ing reply to list as this may well break code (henning & alex?)
>>>> in general i think it would be better anyway to
>>>> type the timetag field in the Bundle constructor more strongly, but
>>>> maybe it would break too much existing code?
>>> as in
>>> data OSCTime = UTCr Double | NTPr Double | NTPi Integer
>>> that'd be ok. generally i'm happy with breaking things so long as
>>> after the change the old code will become a type error.
>> yes, personally i think it's much clearer (and less error-prone) like
>> that.
> following prompting by stefan, and i think earlier by henning, have
> changed the timestamp for osc bundles from Double to a data type Time
> with constructors UTCr, NTPr and NTPi for utc real, ntp real and ntp
> integer timestamps respectively.
> to port existing code change 'utc' time requests to 'utcr', and wrap
> existing bundle timestamps in 'UTCr'.  to write the scsynth 'now' time
> use 'NTPi 1'.  for real time rendering wrap zero based time stamps in
> 'NTPr' (not yet tested, will do so and add note to tutorial).

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