Hi Rohan,

On Sun, 28 Nov 2010, Rohan Drape wrote:

Rohan, I have still a problem: How can I achieve that on releasing a
key the sound is not immediately aborted but enters a release phase?

There are various ways, however normally you'd
do this using the 'gate' input of the 'envGen'

I've added 'envASR' and 'envADSR' parameter
constructors (arguments as at sclang) to
demonstrate this, there are trivial examples
in the help files.

Ah I see - a new patch in darcs repository. Thank you! I'll check it.

Btw. in Sound.SC3.UGen.Envelope.Construct.d_dx the pattern match

  d_dx [x,y] = [y - x]

can be omitted. You could write

  d_dx (x:y:r) = y - x : d_dx (y:r)
  d_dx _ = []

or even simpler

  d_dx xs = zipWith (-) (drop 1 xs) xs

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