hi all,

On 03.02.11 00:11, alex wrote:
> So, why not hit reply and introduce yourself (even if you've posted
> already), and reveal your interest in haskell and/or art, whatever
> that may be.  I'll do it too, but someone else go first :)

i stumbled over haskell about three years ago, when i was confronted with
(sometimes boring) score analysis tasks at work and thought it was time to learn
a new language. i've been hooked ever since and never looked back ;)

these days i'm using haskell for my phd research [1], our data-driven
synthesizer mescaline [2] and occasionally for sound and video installations
[3]. none of this would have been possible without the amazing infrastructure
and the high quality libraries the haskell community offers.

i think that different (natural or computer) languages allow us to think about
interesting problems differently. although i've had some previous exposure to
functional programming (opal, anyone?), haskell essentially forced me to
re-think my approach to programming, which, after all, turned out to be quite


[1] http://mtg.upf.edu/people/skersten
[2] http://mescaline.puesnada.es
[3] http://dissonoisex.org
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